DR46 is a protection planned to protect motorcyclists from the lateral impact against the road barriers.
It consists of an empty body made of plastic material (polyethylene) with a purposely calculated wave section.
The chosen shape and the used material allow a plastic deformation and an air compression that partially redirect and absorb the crash against the bearing structure of the barrier (poles to “C” or to “I” in steel).
That constitutes, generally, the greatest source of danger for a motorcyclist during the fall.
DR46 is suitable for all kind of metallic guardrail: DR46 can be attached to all kind of steel guardrail (W-beam, Thrie-beam, etc.), with centre distance up to 3m between the posts.For centre distances longer than 3m the solution can be planned and simulated.
DR46 is modular and very easy to install. With the use of proper tools and trained crew of 4 workers, the estimated time for installation is about 15 minutes per 100 meter depending on site conditions, traffic, size and experience of work crew, and quality of tools.
DR46 is safe.
DR46 has a standard yellow color but, on request it is realizable in various colors, obtaining therefore also identifying effects and dangers signs.
DR46 is easy to transport. DR46 is tested according to the Spanish standard UNE 135900-1 and 2, titled:“Evaluaccion del comportamento de los sistemas para proteccion de motociclistas en las barreras de seguridad y pretiles” (Evaluation of the systems behavior for the protection of motorcyclist in safety barriers and posts).
DR46 is ideal for context sensitive design applications.